Roseline Coffee is one of my favorite roasters to order from when I’m in the mood for something special. I follow them on Instagram and when I saw this coffee pop up on my feed, I knew I had to try it. It’s one of the prettiest bags of coffee I’ve seen in a while, […]
Hall of Fame (my favorite coffees)
The best of 2018

I always come to the last few weeks of the year unsure about if I’ve had enough “good” coffee to fill up a top 10 list… until I skim over all of the reviews I’ve written over the past 50+ weeks. Then, I’m always like “oh yeah!!!” It’s like looking at old photos and being […]
Review: Square Mile Coffee Roasters Ethiopia Mormora (London, England)

I believe I first heard of Square Mile Coffee Roasters back when I used to do a lot of browsing on the CoffeeGeek forums, to do research for notable roasters and to gather advice for what kind of grinder and espresso machine I should invest in. I don’t have a lot of time to visit […]
Review: Heart Coffee Roasters Panama Geisha Hacienda la Esmeralda (Portland, Oregon)

This is a coffee I was absolutely salivating to try as soon as I saw an email alert that it was available! The first Geisha coffee I ever reviewed for this blog was from Square One Coffee Roasters, and it was their Panama La Esmeralda Boquete. It was my top-ranked coffee of 2015 for its […]
The best of 2017

It’s always nice to look back at the end of the year and to take stock of all the great coffees I got to try throughout the last twelve months. This was a good year – I was really pleased to discover quite a few new (to me) roasters that I enjoy very much! The […]
Review: Quills Coffee Ecuador La Papaya (Louisville, Kentucky)

I’m always on the lookout for new coffee roasters to try, and this one came across my radar thanks to my friend Chloé’s recommendation. Quills is based in Louisville, Kentucky, and they have 4 cafes nationwide (2 in Kentucky, and 2 in Indiana). Fun fact – they are partnering up with Alabama-based artisan popsicle company […]
Review: Patriot Coffee Roasters Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Idido (Lakeland, Florida)

From time to time, I get contacted by coffee companies who are interested in introducing me to their products, and I get pretty excited if it is a craft coffee company doing the talking. Such was the case when I got an email from Patriot Coffee Roasters, out of Lakeland, Florida. Take a look at their […]
The best of 2016

It’s that time again! I had fun recalling the last 12 months of coffee adventures, though I realized that my coffee consumption was down from this time last year. In 2015, I was generally aiming to write two bean reviews a week, but I found that schedule to be unsustainable; in 2016, I was pretty […]
Review: BeanFruit Coffee Co. Kenya Nyeri Chinga Peaberry (Jackson, Mississippi)

I had not heard of BeanFruit Coffee Company until very recently, but upon investigating, I discovered I was clearly behind the times, as they are a 2015 Good Food Award recipient, and they have had their coffees rated at 90+ points on both Coffee Review and The Espresso Vein. When people think of great cities for coffee […]
Review: Roseline Coffee Roasters Ethiopia Gera (Portland, Oregon)

I know I bring them up a lot on this blog, but I have to give props to Houndstooth Coffee in Dallas for continuing to offer an intriguing rotating selection of roasters in addition to their house roaster (Tweed). On a recent visit, I was delighted to see bags of Roseline Coffee! I have reviewed […]