Review: Noble Coyote Coffee Roasters Guatemala Huehuetenango La Esperanza (Dallas, Texas)

This bag from Noble Coyote was another Whole Foods purchase, picked up during the holidays when I needed to have lots of coffee on hand to keep me going! I was making a fair bit of coffee to share with friends at a gig during this time frame, and I have found that Guatemalan coffees tend to be crowd pleasers – with notes like milk chocolate, nuts, and maple syrup, it’s hard to go wrong.

Whole bean: Definitely getting a strong scent of milk chocolate.

French press: Historically, french press has been my favorite method for Guatemalan beans, and it’s true here too – I wrote “creamy AF” in my notes. This cup was rich with nougat and caramel, like a Milky Way bar. Ridiculously sweet and decadent.

Chemex: Clean, pleasant flavor but I missed the richness from the french press cup!

AeroPress: The coffee concentrate tasted sour to me consumed straight. Even after adding additional water, it was still sour to me, until I ended up adding so much water that it tasted bland.

V60: Slightly sharp flavor, not nearly as sweet as the french press cup even after it cooled a bit.

Summary: As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one way to brew these beans – in a french press for sure. The sweetness and delicious flavors produced by this method was unbeatable (except maybe pulled as a single-origin espresso, but that wasn’t an option at the time… maybe in the future…)!

From the roaster: milk chocolate, nutty, maple syrup

Noble Coyote Coffee Roasters Guatemala Huehuetenango La Esperanza

Review conducted 15-16 days post-roast.

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