Kansas might not be the state in the U. S. that first comes to mind when thinking about states with great coffee roasters, but I’ve been wanting to investigate coffee from PT’s for quite some time now, after seeing them mentioned on multiple “best of” lists over the past couple of years. It’s a new year and what better reason to check out a new (to me) roaster?
I was really impressed with the speed of the shipping from PT’s: I ordered the beans January 2, and they were roasted and shipped to me January 3, arriving January 5. Can’t get much fresher than that unless I roasted it myself! (On that topic, PT’s does also sell “green” (unroasted) beans if you DO want to try your hand at roasting at home. As for me, I’ll let the pros work their magic.)
Whole bean: mixed berry jam aroma – blueberry, strawberry, raspberry.
French press: Rich texture and flavor, but curiously, I didn’t taste berries at all! It was more of a “deep” flavor if that makes sense. I couldn’t quite place it but in retrospect I think it was the fig mentioned in the flavor notes.
Chemex: Intense berry scent but the flavor was more toasty and buttery with fig in it. Like a toasted Fig Newton.
AeroPress: This tasted like the Chemex but just stronger and louder overall. However, when I added just a little bit of water, it made the concentrate taste watery, so I wouldn’t recommend diluting this.
V60: Lovely balance to this cup. It had a hint of berry brightness to it but was overall smooth and richly sweet.
Summary: This coffee was quite consistently good across all brewing methods and unlike some coffees, I don’t think the flavor changed significantly no matter how I made the coffee. With that said, I liked it best brewed in the Chemex — toasted Fig Newton? Delicious.
From the roaster: strawberry, blackberry, fig
PT’s Coffee Roasting Company Ethiopia Gedeo NaturalÂ
Review conducted 3-4 days post-roast.