Review: Rare Earth Coffee House Roast (Fresno, California)

I was contacted by the folks at Rare Earth Coffee about testing out a couple of their coffees. Rare Earth Coffee is a relatively new addition to the coffee scene; the company was founded in 2014 in the Central Valley of California. One aspect of this company that sets them apart from most is their […]

Review: Matchstick Catalogue No. 39 (Vancouver, Canada)

This bag from Matchstick was the third and final bag I purchased from my trip to Revolver Coffee in Vancouver. On the shelf, it was listed as espresso, but the bag indicates that it can be prepared as both espresso and as filter coffee. I was so overwhelmed by the huge amount of coffee I […]

Review: Prosum Roasters Nicaragua Jorge Laos (Albuquerque, New Mexico)

My family spent the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve in New Mexico, and though we did take a day to visit Santa Fe (which is where I picked up the coffee I reviewed from Iconik Coffee Roasters), the bulk of our time was spent in Albuquerque. A quick Yelp search and about 10 […]

Review: Tostaduría Bisetti ‘Solo para fumadores’ (Lima, Peru)

A dear friend that I call Homeslice recently took a trip to Peru and on her return, she surprised me with this freshly roasted bag of coffee (and when I say fresh, I mean FRESH – it was one day younger than the freshest coffee I had brought home from my trip to San Diego)! […]