Review: Ceremony Coffee Roasters Antithesis Blend (Annapolis, Maryland)

I’ve had the pleasure of trying coffee from Ceremony Coffee Roasters before; in addition to their single-origins, they offer blends with nerdy names, and I had made a mental note that someday, I wanted to try their Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis blends. The packaging makes it appear that the Thesis is light, Antithesis is dark, […]

Review: Tweed Coffee Two-Step Decaf, Sugarcane Process (Dallas, Texas)

Most of the time when I’m doing coffee tastings, I have to evaluate the coffee first thing in the morning because caffeine lingers so long in my system, I can’t sleep properly if I consume caffeine later in the day. It can be a little hard to properly enjoy the coffee if I’m bleary-eyed from […]

Review: Kuma Coffee Ethiopia Suke Quto (Seattle, Washington)

I had last tried beans from Kuma Coffee back in 2015, not long after I had started this blog. I remember liking their coffee for its fruity, bright notes, but I also remember struggling a bit in my first tasting because I was picking up on a papery taste from the unbleached filter I was […]

Review: Kona Roasted Coffee Salvador 100% Kona (Kona, Hawaii)

I’ve had this blog for roughly five years, and I go through phases where I am really active, writing a lot of reviews, and also phases where I go quiet. Around about December of 2019, I started getting a little overwhelmed with life and I somewhat unintentionally took a hiatus from coffee reviews – I […]

Review: True Coffee Roasters Costa Rica Finca Calle Lajas (Madison, Wisconsin)

This is the second coffee I was sent by the nice folks at True Coffee Roasters. I enjoyed tasting their Ethiopia Guji, and part of the reason I opted to try it first is that Ethiopian coffee is one of my favorites – I’ve rarely met an Ethiopian coffee I didn’t like. Costa Rican coffee […]

Review: Pallet Coffee Roasters Guatemala Santa Clara Estate (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

Pallet Coffee Roasters had topped at least one list I had seen for “Best Vancouver Coffee Roasters,” so I spent the time in between checking out of my Airbnb and checking in at the airport navigating public transit to get myself to Pallet’s one cafe. It was raining and I’m sure I ended up walking […]

Review: Matchstick Catalogue No. 39 (Vancouver, Canada)

This bag from Matchstick was the third and final bag I purchased from my trip to Revolver Coffee in Vancouver. On the shelf, it was listed as espresso, but the bag indicates that it can be prepared as both espresso and as filter coffee. I was so overwhelmed by the huge amount of coffee I […]

Review: 2% Jazz Coffee Espresso Blend (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)

When I started this blog back in 2015, my intent was for it to simply be my coffee diary. I never expected anyone else to be interested in what I had to say, so it was flattering when I started getting traffic to this site from people other than my friends and family, and it […]

Review: Onyx Coffee Lab Kenya Gachatha OT-18 (Springdale, Arkansas)

I’ve had beans from Onyx Coffee Lab before; my local Whole Foods has started carrying their beans, and I’ve spotted this brand occasionally in Dallas-area coffee shops. However, this bag of beans is a bit special to me because I actually picked it up from Onyx’s Springdale location while I was in Arkansas for a […]

Review: Square Mile Coffee Roasters Red Brick Espresso (London, England)

The final bag of coffee that I bought on my July 2018 trip to the United Kingdom was this bag of Square Mile Coffee Roasters’ Red Brick Espresso Blend. I picked this up in York, at Spring Espresso. I don’t usually drink milk drinks, and I really don’t usually buy a coffee drink made with […]