The Ka’u district of Hawaii is the largest and southernmost district of the Big Island, with the North and South Kona districts bordering it to the west. Coffee from Hawaii (Kona coffee in particular) is world-famous for its smooth, sweet flavor profile, but it’s rare to see 100% Kona coffee being sold, as it fetches […]
Review: ManLao River Coffee China Nagy Peaberry (Kunming, Yunnan, China)

When you think of coffee-growing countries, what places immediately come to mind? For me, I think of Ethiopia, Brazil, Colombia, Kenya, and Guatemala. China wasn’t even on my radar as a coffee origin at all until last year, but the coffee industry in China has been quietly and steadily growing for decades. Tea is still […]
Review: Coal Creek Coffee Company Burundi Dukorere Ikawa (Laramie, Wyoming)

Coal Creek Coffee Company is based out of Laramie, WY. I had not heard of this roaster before Alison sent me this bag, but upon visiting their website, I am already inclined to like them for a couple of reasons. One, they have blends with amusing names like Gods Must Be Crazy (which sounds delicious!!) and Troublemaker. Two, they […]
Review: Victrola Kenya Nyeri Tambaya Peaberry (Seattle, Washington)

I recently found out that a local coffee shop (Weekend Coffee in Dallas) carries Seattle-based Victrola Coffee Roasters so I popped over to check them out. On the day of my visit, they had two Victrola coffees available to take home: an Ethiopia Yirgacheffe and this Kenya. Since I haven’t reviewed any Kenyan coffees yet, I decided […]